Q 1.   Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your business is all about, in which city you are located and if you have offices in multiple locations/ cities.
Ans:   I am a plastic surgeon specializing in breast and body plastic surgery. I have offices in pear river , ny and montvale NJ.
Q 2.   Kindly give us a brief description about yourself (it should include your brief educational or entrepreneurial background and list some of your major achievements).
Ans:   I am a plastic surgeon and did 15 years of training. I am double board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery. I have been in private practice for 18 years. I was named to castle connell top docs for 2014.
Q 3.   What inspired you to (start a new business venture) or (to make significant changes in an existing business)? How did the idea for your business come about?
Ans:   I decided a few years ago do concentrate my practice to breast and body surgery only. This has allowed me to really concentrate on a few procedures and really sharpen my skills.
Q 4.   What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?
Ans:Â Â Â Do what you like, give it your all, and never give up.
Q 5.   What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Ans:Â Â Â Be a good networker, be motivated, work when others aren’t.
Q 6.   How many hours do you work a day on average?
Ans:Â Â Â 12
Q 7.   To what do you most attribute your success?
Ans:Â Â Â Hard work and motivation
Q 8.   How do you go about marketing your business?
Ans:Â Â Â Word of mouth is my best
Q 9.   Where did your organizations funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture?
Ans:Â Â Â I took a bank loan to start out.
Q 10.   What is the best way to achieve long-term success?
Ans:Â Â Â Stay consistent , don’t cut corners and never give up.
Q 11.   Where you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?
Ans:Â Â Â Same place that I am now, doing what I love.
Q 12.   Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?
Ans:Â Â Â Amazon, great company and great concept.
Contact Detail
Company: Gummy Bear Breast Implants New York
First Name: Dr. Michael A. Fiorillo
Last Name: Fiorillo
Address: 150 South Pearl Street
City: Pearl River
State: NY
Zip Code: 10965
Tel No: 845-623-6141
Fax No: 845-623-1998
E-mail Id: gummybearbreastimplantsnewyork@gmail.com
Office Timings: Mon To Fri : 9.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Facwbook : https://www.facebook.com/DrFiorillo
Twitter       : http://www.twitter.com/Dr_Fiorillo