Question: Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your business is all about, in which city you are located and if you have offices in multiple locations/ cities.
Answer: Rcshopers.com have been providing quality, cheap research chemicals all over the world. We have a wide range of products including JWH-018, JWH-210, JWH-250, 4-MEC, 5F-AKB48, MDPV, a-PVP, AB-PINACA, AB-FUBINACA and other research chemicals in all different amounts ranging from 5g to 1kg retail and also large amounts at wholesale prices, orders will be sent next day delivery. Shipping from multiple warehouses: Australian, China, EU, USA, Russia, India, Kazakhstan
Rchshopers are dealers of research chemicals, bath salts and herbal: We specialized in the following , buy research chemicals online,buy research chemicals online jwh, research chemicals online usa, buy research chemicals usa, research chemicals usa, buy research chemicals online am-2201, buy crystal meth online, buy bath salts online, buy herbal incense , buy ketamine online , buy cocaine online, buy mephedrone online, buy apvp online, buy crystal meths online, buy mdpv online, buy jwh-018 online, buy am-2201 online, purchase research chemicals online, order research chemicals online.
You are can buy any products, because we ship worldwide.
Many our customers prefer us because only we can provide good support and good prices for wholesale research chemicals and retail, we also do manufacture our products ourselves
Methylone (5g)
AM-2201 (10g)
JWH, AM-2201, MDPV, 5F-AKB48
We are USA supplier of research chemicals, bath salts and we have been providing quality, cheap research chemicals all over the world. We have a wide range of products.
Shipping from multiple warehouses: China, EU, USA, Russia, India, Kazakhstan and Turkey
You can make order directly from our website or via e-mail.
Email: info@rcshopers.com
464 Becker Farms Road, Stonewall, TX 79105

Question: Kindly give us a brief description about yourself (it should include your brief educational or entrepreneurial background and list some of your major achievements).
Answer: Rcshopers is now a research chemicals company which assist researchers and lab technicians to facilitate their works on drugs and medicine. We have been providing the necessary raw materials to these groups of persons. Our products are not for human consumption.
We provide several types of research chemicals, bath salts and herbal incense at an affordable prices. We moved from a local store to one of the big brand dealers of research chemicals in USA and some parts of the world. We are now moving to advertise our products and services online. We now offer discreet delivery, overnight shipping and a 100% money back guarantee.
We have achieve a milestone in this business, our doctors can now write an electronics prescription for controlled substances(EPCS) to our customers in complaints with the DEA regulations.
Question: What inspired you to (start a new business venture) or (to make significant changes in an existing business)? How did the idea for your business come about?
Answer: The idea behind the established of this business started when I wanted to carry out a research project on designer drug. The need for materials that will help me carry out my project, keep me in wanting. I could not find a place locally where I can buy these research chemicals to assist me in my projects. As a result of not getting these research chemicals on time, I failed the exam and I was asked to repeat the course. So I decided that, I’m going to setup a research chemicals store to help other researchers carry out their project easily.
Question: What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?
Answer: My advice will be to work hard no matter the situation you find yourself in by creating. 1 A defined goal on what you want to establish, 2 Carry out a research on market outlets, to know where to setup your business and where you can find potential customers. 3 The customer is the king. When you want to establish a business of this nature, you need to understand that, the customers are to be treated with kindness, Extend any courtesy given to you by your customers and know that you have only one customer. Treating the customer badly, will give your business a bad review and it will spread to other customers, thereby making your business lost its customers and putting the future of the business at risk.

Question: What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Answer: To be a successful business person in my line of business, you need the following. 1, Accuracy: be accurate on what you are selling and go straight to the points, thereby given your customers little time to understand what you are selling. 2, Truth: In my line of business, truth has a lot to play. If your products qualities are good, let me say a research chemical with a purity of 85%, don’t say it is 99%. 3, Efficiency: Be time cautious and make sure, you deliver to your customers their products at the exact time you and the customers agreed during purchase.
Question: How many hours do you work a day on average?
Answer: In the line of my business, it requires you to work 24 hours a day. You will always need assistance from friends. I work 8 hours a day.
Question: To what do you most attribute your success?
Answer: The success of my business is thanks to the sales and induction or organic search engines keywords. This help me get a lot of customers from different locations and within. So therefore, it is thanks to the internet and the services of search engines.
Question: How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?
Answer: My most successful form of marketing is internet. I advertise my products on major search engines and this has been very successful to me.
Question: Where did your organizations funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture?
Answer: Funds comes from bank loans, loans from friends and other family members and what I get from the sales of these products. Currently I don’t have investors in my business, but I can investors by simply telling friends how profitable this line of business is.

Question: What is the best way to achieve long-term success?
Answer: One of the best way to achieve long term success in the line of my business if by offering huge discounts to customers. Making sure than my prices are below and less than that of my competitors and buy also offering products incentives to customer such as: Cash on delivery, discreet delivery and buy one and get two.
Question: Where you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?
Answer: I see my business in the near 5-10 years turning into a public limited company, listed on Wall Street and other major platforms in the United States. Myself, I see myself moving my products beyond the borders of the United States to major markets in Europe and Asia.
Question: Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?
Answer: I admires the business of smartphones and other electronics products.
Question: How important have good employees been to your success?
Answer: Employees have helped me get in touch with my customers at anything and anywhere.
Question: How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?
Answer: I’m a very creative individual, and I can keep my creatives ideas for a short period of time; let us say 1-2 months. The public needs these ideas for the better United States, thereby by encouraging others to joint and creating jobs.
Question: What motivates you?
Answer: The idea of satisfying someone one need, motivates me the must. Customers satisfaction.
Question: What are your ideals?
Answer: My ideas are pretty simple, Create a website, where you can advertise your products and services. Given customers exactly what they want. Be time efficient and making creating new platforms to advertise and reach potential customers within a short periods of time before my competitors do.

Question: How do you generate new ideas?
Answer: Understanding the business and the environment, by watching news and updating myself on the development of new research chemicals.
Question: How do you define success?
Answer: Success can be define in simple language as the outcomes of what you setup as goals from the beginning of your business. If these goals have been achieved, then I’m successful in that and that is success.
Question: How do you build a successful customer base?
Answer: A successful base can be built by just offering products incentives to customers such as buy one and get two, cash on delivery and guaranteed money back policy.
Question: What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
Answer: Being entrepreneur has been an innate characteristic from birth. By calling myself the boss and also for job securities purpose too.
Question: What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Answer: My most satisfying moment in business is when I get a positive feedback from my customers and good reviews about my products and services.
Question: What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Answer: The major difference is all about job security, the fear of losing your job if you are working for someone else as compared with someone who owns and controls the business.
Question: What kind of culture exists in your organization? How did you establish this tone and why did you institute this particular type of culture?
Answer: Diversity, getting everyone to work regardless of the race, sex, ethnicity and religion. This is seen when males and females a grouped to make up an idea on how we can satisfy customers who don’t have money but are interested in our products and services.
Question: In one word, characterize your life as an entrepreneur.
Answer: Boss.
For more information visit us at http://www.rcshopers.com/
464 Becker Farms Rd,
Stonewall, TX, 79105
Tel No.: +14692485839
Business Email Id: info@rcshopers.com
Business Hours: 24×7