• Will you introduce your business?
True Patriot was founded on the idea of providing services for families and businesses who need a company they can trust. Too many times we have heard stories of people being told they need new units, when a simple part can be replaced to get you up and running. We work diligently to find the problem and provide an economical solution. We are based in McDonough, but we do work in Metro Atlanta for both residential and commercial customers.

• Will you tell us about yourselves?
I (Johnny) learned HVAC through the US Army. I earned several awards for my service and learned civilian HVAC through experience with various companies after the military. I (Kevin) started working in the field 20 years ago after getting my education at Griffin Technical College and pride myself on the hard work put in to become one of the best in the field. We have undergone training on specialty equipment, such as Carpigiani machines, to ensure that we are able to help customers with the latest equipment.
• What was the inspiration for your business?
We spoke a lot while working together at another company about what we would do if we were to ever own our own business. When we parted ways at that job, we kept in touch until it was finally time to take the plunge. It was starting from scratch, with essentially no startup capital, and built from the ground up through hard work and perseverance. We wanted to give people what we knew they needed at prices that make sense for the working family.
• What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?
The biggest piece of advice is to keep your eye on the prize. There will always be times when things are not exactly going how they should, but you must remember why you started in the first place. Adjust your policies and keep moving forward. A good motto to have is “Champions adjust.”
• What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Diligence is #
- you can’t give up no matter how hard it gets.
- Organization and Money Management-You must stay organized and on top of spending. Making a budget in a business is just as essential as having one in your home. Know what money is going out and what you are getting in return for that outflow. Keeping this in check will ensure that you have the running money you need for your normal business function.
- Dedication to customers
• How many hours do you work a day on average?
Depending on the season, it varies greatly. During the winter we can have days where we go run a couple of calls and may be home by noon. During the summer, our busiest season, days generally run 12-16 or so hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. We work hard because we know the payoff will be fantastic in the long run.
• To what do you most attribute your success?
Hard work and integrity.
• How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?
We have worked with multiple companies, as well as done some minor social media marketing ourselves. We are currently working with a group who understands our goals and our situations and has made a significant change in our workflow and our profit. We appreciate the guys at Harbinger Marketing for working with us to get exactly what we need, right when we need it.
• Where did your organization’s funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture?
As previously stated, we started with essentially no capital. Kevin put in contributions for our first work van and money for parts when we first started. We basically just waited for payments to start coming in to continue. It’s been a slower process, but the organic growth and seeing how far we’ve come is extremely satisfying.
• What is the best way to achieve long-term success?
We are still trying to figure this out! We have BIG goals. We are inching our way forward and making new standards and procedures for our company to follow, all the while brainstorming ideas for new ventures within our scope of business. There are big things coming. Keep your eyes peeled for new and exciting things as we grow.
• Where you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?
The goal is to include more services, as well as have a bigger team. We hope to be able to service more of GA at that time as well. We are building a full business plan currently and will have more specifics soon.
• Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?
We admire Chick-fil-a because of their customer service and standing by their morals