Q. 1 Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your business is all about, in which city you are located and if you have offices in multiple locations/cities.
Ans : At Modern Era Warriors, we have created reality based self-defense and fitness programs with the goal of making you the strongest, safest version of yourself. Our classes are designed to prepare any individual for real life combat in the shortest time possible. We incorporate Commando Krav, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, NRA firearms and shooting courses, functional fitness, and nutrition into a revolutionary experience like no other. We are located in Ranson, WV and teach courses and seminars throughout the United States. Visit us at www.ModernEraWarriors.com.
Q. 2 Kindly give us a brief description about yourself (it should include your brief educational or entrepreneurial background and list some of your major achievements).
Ans : I specialize in reality based self- defense, grappling, functional fitness, firearms and shooting, and nutrition. I have been a federal law enforcement officer since 1998, and am a former police officer and United States Marine.
Q. 3 What inspired you to (start a new business venture) or (to make significant changes in an existing business)? How did the idea for your business come about?
Ans : Recently, we created 6 week challenges to introduce reality based self-defense and fitness to those who want to train, but may be too intimidated to come in and try it on their own.
Q. 4 What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?
Ans : Budding? What is this?
Q. 5 What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Ans : Dedication, resiliency, and building teams.
Q. 6 How many hours do you work a day on average?
Ans : Modern Era Warriors is a small part-time business in our 10th year of operation.
Our Women’s ONLY Commando Krav Maga is
Monday and Wednesday 8:30 – 10 pm and Saturday 7:30 – 9:00 am
Our Co-ed Commando Krav Maga is
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 – 10 pm and Saturday 9:00 – 10:30 am
We also teach:
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Basics Saturday 10:30 – 12:00 pm and
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Advanced Saturday 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Q. 7 To what do you most attribute your success?
Ans : Great coaches and mentors, my strong why, and understanding my purpose, passion, and principles.
Q. 8 How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?
Ans : I recently moved forward with a new modern website; videos of my challenges I offer; use SignPost for customer relations management, campaigns, Facebook and Google advertising, and more; and eBrandz for search engine optimization and website maintenance. My most successful form of marketing in the past was using a specific marketing company to promote 6 week challenges.
Q. 9 Where did your organizations funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture?
Ans : I started with my own monies and have been putting 100% of all monies back into the business to grow myself, my business, and others.
Q. 10 What is the best way to achieve long-term success?
Ans : Having multiple mantras that work for me such as: Courage, strength, and the will to succeed overcome adversity, 1% better every day, and every day in every way I am getting better and better!
Q. 11 Where you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?
Ans : I see myself expanding with more business offerings and adding instructors to offer more reality based self-defense classes, Commando Krav Maga, for women only and co-ed with and without fitness options to allow more persons an opportunity to take a fitness program only, obtain self-defense skills and abilities only without a fitness component, having more self-defense and fitness classes, having more Gracie Jiu-Jitsu classes, offering individual and group coaching, and perhaps purchasing and teaching from a 24/7 or Anytime Fitness gym.
Q. 12 Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?
Ans : To be the very best, I train with the very best. I associate with the following programs, and mentors and coaches:
1) Reality Based Self-Defense – Commando Krav Maga
2) Grappling – Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
3) Firearms and Shooting – National Rifle Association
4) Fitness – Dynamic Variable Resistance Training/Ultimate Sandbag, Tactical Athlete CrossFit Kettlebell, TRX, SealFit/Unbeatable Mind, GORUCK, Kokoro Yoga, and more!
5) Nutrition – Doctor Fuhrman and the Nutritarian Diet
Q. 13 How important have good employees been to your success?
Ans : I am currently a one man show, but trying to rely more and more on senior students to step up when I rarely can’t run classes.
Q. 14 How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?
Ans : A plan or idea never survives contact with the enemy, and a good plan or idea should aim for an 80% solution. As soon as I begin to execute, I evaluate feedback, and tweak as needed following the KISS principle using various models such as the PROP – Priorities, Realities, Options, and Plan or OODA Loop – Observe the situation closely, Orient to the reality of your observation, Decide on a course of action, and Act!
Q. 15 What motivates you?
Ans : My ONE thing in life is serving others and passion is to help others.
Q. 16 What are your ideals?
Ans : My top 10 principles are:
1. Honor
2. Courage
3. Commitment
4. Bravery
5. Integrity
6. Pride
7. Accountability
8. Excellence
9. Leading by example
10. Always Faithful
Q. 17 How do you generate new ideas?
Ans : Some ways I generate new ideas are to conduct research, talk with others, brain storm, journal, try new things, sit in silence, visualize, and meditate.
Q. 18 How do you build a successful customer base?
1. Getting to know my customers and prospects
2. Dividing my time supporting existing clients and looking for new work
3. Offering great customer service
4. Making the most of my networks
5. Looking for partnerships
6. Making use of technology and social media
7. Thinking big
8. Playing to my strengths and delegating as appropriate
9. Adapting as necessary
10. Measuring what works and what doesn’t.
Q. 19 What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
Ans : The success and growth of my clients.
Q. 20 What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Ans: I’d like to think it hasn’t happened yet. There is always another higher peak to climb.
Q. 21 What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?
Ans : It is the ultimate extreme ownership. It is your baby, not someone else’s.
Q. 22 What kind of culture exists in your organization? How did you establish this tone and why did you institute this particular type of culture?
Ans : Leading by example, taking your eyes off yourself and focusing them on your team receiving 10x back in return.
Q. 23 In one word, characterize your life as an entrepreneur.
Ans : Uncommon
Q. 24 If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?
Ans : Instead of going into the United States Marine Corps under an open contract and being assigned to an aviation command element enlist with a specific contract in a ground combat element, special operations, or law enforcement function.
Q. 25 How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
Ans : It was one of many things that led to divorce in 2017.
Q. 26 What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?
Ans : I do my very best to starve fear and feed courage with Unbeatable Mind practices.
Q. 27 How did you decide on the location for your business?
Ans : I rent space and teach out of Zingg’s Karate center. It was close to home and Mr. Zingg has available days and times that meet my needs.
Q. 28 Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?
Ans : No, there is no one size fits all pattern or formula.
Q. 29 If you could talk to one person from history, who would it be and why?
Ans : My brother, because he left me way too early in life and I would love to share more of life with him!
Q. 30 Who has been your greatest inspiration?
Ans : My future me.
Q. 31 What book has inspired you the most? (OR what is your favorite book?)
Ans : Unbeatable Mind.
Q. 32 What are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve made?
Ans : Mistakes or opportunities?
Q. 33 How can you prevent mistakes or do damage control?
Ans : Strive to be 1% better every day on a path towards self-mastery.
Q. 34 What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
Ans : Ride my motorcycle.
Q. 35 What makes you happy?
Ans : Doing what I do!
Q. 36 What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?
Ans : I don’t sleep, relax enough, and enjoy time with family and friends enough.
Q. 37 If you were conducting this interview, what question would you ask?
Ans : Where do you see yourself in 25 years?