Harmonizing Passions | From Rico’s Musical Success to Founding Heartbeat Lyfe – A Cannabis for the Festival Lifestyle

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Business

1. Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your business is all about, in which city you are located and if you have offices in multiple locations/ cities.

  • Heartbeat Lyfe is a Cannabis and festival lifestyle brand, where we blend the world of electronic dance music with the soothing essence of cannabis. Based in the vibrant city of New York, we are dedicated to creating a community that celebrates positivity, unity, and the power of togetherness. Our mission is to be your trusted companion throughout this journey, providing you with top-quality products and experiences that enhance every step of the way. Our vision is to connect electronic dance music lovers and festival-goers with the benefits of cannabis, promoting a mindful and holistic approach to celebrating life and music. Beyond our exceptional products, we are a community-driven brand that values inclusivity and embraces the spirit of unity. We believe in the power of music and cannabis to break down barriers and bring people from all walks of life together as one. Whether you’re gearing up for an upcoming festival, embracing the euphoria of the dance floor, or seeking relaxation and rejuvenation afterward, Heartbeat Lyfe is here to support you to Prepare, Enjoy, and Recover from the Festival Lifestyle!

2. Kindly give us a brief description about yourself (it should include your brief educational or entrepreneurial background and list some of your major achievements).

  • Hi my name is Rico. As a DJ/Producer with over 10 years of experience, my hard work has led to remarkable achievements, including playing at renowned events throughout the country, such as Miami Music Week and SXSW. One of the most significant acknowledgments is the support I received from some of the biggest DJs in the world. As an event curator in Brooklyn in NY, I have booked some of the Bass Music Acts in the world. As an A&R for multiple record labels, I have discovered and signed tracks that have streamed into the millions. My newest endeavor is the founding of Heartbeat Lyfe. This venture reflects my vision of bringing together music, positivity, and the benefits of cannabis to enhance the festival lifestyle. Teaming up with a long-time friend and Cannabis entrepreneur Igor Yakovlev has given me the opportunity to complete my vision of combining electronic music, positivity, and cannabis. With expertise in the Cannabis Industry we possess in-depth knowledge about the cannabis market, its products, regulations, and consumer trends. By understanding the needs and desires of festival goers, we have created top-quality CBD & THC products tailored Heart celebrates positivity, unity, and the festival lifestyle while providing top-notch CBD & THC products that enhance the overall experience for festival-goers worldwide.

3. What inspired you to (start a new business venture) or (to make significant changes in an existing business)? How did the idea for your business come about?

  • During the 2020 pandemic, I found myself yearning for a way to reconnect with people. My love for playing and producing music served as the foundation for my desire to create a community of like-minded people, united by the shared passion for electronic music and positivity.I envisioned a community that transcends physical boundaries, where people from all corners of the world could come together, share their love for music, and embrace a positive and inclusive mindset.I wanted this community to be represented by something that incorporates all-natural benefits to the body and mind. I saw the potential of combining music and the positive effects of natural elements, such as cannabis, to create a holistic and meaningful experience for my community. My vision was to create an environment where people could celebrate music and life while also taking care of their mental and physical health. The time apart from people during the pandemic fueled my vision even more, igniting a strong desire to create something special for when we could all be together again. Through Heartbeat Lyfe, I am not only expanding on my love for music but also creating a platform that embodies the values and principles that have fueled my journey as a DJ/Producer. My community is now a beacon of positivity, inclusivity, and the natural benefits that unite and empower people to live life to the fullest, both on and off the dance floor.

4. What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?

  1. Recognize and collaborate with genuine, well supportive people as early as possible. Don’t spend time with the people who have not been encouraging or supporting you. This may be difficult because they have been in your life for a long time. However, you will quickly see how they have been weighing down your mental state, as soon as you start being around more supportive and positive people.
  2. When you have an idea that you truly believe in,keep working at it, no matter how hard it is to bring it to light. By working through hard times and failures, you learn the tools that you need that will bring your idea to light. This process is much more insightful and beneficial for the long term, rather than someone giving your idea a hand out.
  3. Never stop learning. Learn everything that surrounds your idea inside, and out. This will allow you be able to talk about your ideas, understand the trends and prepare for changes that may have to be made. The more you know, the more you are an asset to other people, which can therefore open up new opportunities for you.

5. What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

  • Patience
  • Being able to see trends before they happen
  • The ability combined 2 things (industries, genres, products, etc) in a way that is practical and beneficial

6. How many hours do you work a day on average?

  • I would say I work at least 12+ hours among st multiple projects, and industries

7. To what do you most attribute your success?

  • The constant desire to learn.

8. How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?

  • Our current marketing strategy is in person food truck festivals, and music festivals. From there we sell products in person, meet and recruit new customers and members of the community, and organically collect emails which bring people to our website for the future.

9. Where did your organization’s funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture?

  • The capital of the project has come solely from Igor and I’s own fundings.

10. What is the best way to achieve long-term success?

  • I believe the best way to achieve long-term success is to take the “baby steps” approach when it comes to expanding your business. I believe it is more important to successfully understand and dominate one aspect of an industry before expanding into new ones. Keep in mind that you can still do the education about where to expand next.

11. Where do you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?

  • I see us having a full range of products and merchandise, and an in-person music festival. I would even like to grow the Heartbeat Lyfe Family by giving a platform to music producers with a Heartbeat Lyfe Record label.

12. How important have good employees been to your success?

  • Heartbeat Lyfe is a family internally with our employees and externally with our customers. We would be nowhere with the hard work, dedication, and good vibes that drive our employees’ work ethic. We are thankful for them everyday.

13. What motivates you?

  • I am motivated by Being able to work on the projects and do the things I love as a full time job.

14. How do you define success?

  • I define success by being happy. I believe being happy with where you are in life is more important than anything else. I also understand that happiness comes and goes, but it is always important to have goals to look forward to that will bring you happiness.

15. How do you build a successful customer base?

  • I think the best way to build a successful customer base is through being organic. To me it is more important to make long term relationships, then to try to get as many 1-off sales as possible.

16. What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

  • My favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur is the idea of creating. Whether It is me bringing the idea to life, or someone else that is better suited, I love collaborating with people where we can create something new.

17. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

  • My most satisfying moment in business is anytime I get a new burst of momentum. This can be from a variety of different accomplishments. It can be from a burst in orders, support from somebody big on social media, or even just an all around successful day. It gives me a sense that I am on the right path and can keep growing.

18. In one word, characterize your life as an entrepreneur.

  • Eager to learn

19. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

  • I would only wish that I would have grown faster. But I am grateful for the things I learned, through the process of starting my career.

20. How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?

  • Being an entrepreneur definitely takes me away from my family at times. I try to balance my time as much as possible. I love the projects that I get to work on, but I will not put them first 100% of the time.

21. What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?

  • My greatest fear is that one day, my business will just stop, come to an end or take a steady decline. I manage this by trying to keep everything working and afloat. I also understand that I will have to adapt with the trends over time.

22. How did you decide on the location for your business?

  • We live in NY, so we planned to start and grow from here.

23. What book has inspired you the most? (OR what is your favorite book?)

  • It is a little cliche but I really enjoyed the audio book of Rich Dad Poor Dad. It really helped me understand the concept of how to successfully utilize money in a way that is not really taught to the mainstream. The Game by Neil Strauss, is also a great book about being charismatic in a room full of people.

24. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?

  • When I am not working I am really either making mixes, DJing on Twitch for my twitch stream RICOS ROOM, producing new music, or watching videos about music production. I also like to watch comedy reels on instagram, and listen to comedy podcasts when I am in the car.

25. What makes you happy?

  • Djing (specifically on my twitch stream RICOS ROOM) definitely makes me happy. It allows me to unwind and play my own tracks and the music I love, with people tuned in and typing in the chat.

26. What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

  • One sacrifice I have had to sacrifice to become a successful entrepreneur has been being able to rest. There are sometimes weeks on end, where I go from one thing to the next to the next, whether it be phone calls, meetings, studio sessions, teaching (which I also do), or attending class (which I am also finishing u)

for more information visit us at : https://heartbeatlyfe.com/

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