Deviating from the Norm: How deviateMEDIA is Redefining Digital Marketing

by | Sep 10, 2024 | Advertising & Marketing Agency

  1. Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business.

Answer: deviateMEDIA is a full-service advertising and marketing company that specializes in web development, search engine marketing, and dynamic video content creation. Our company focuses on delivering innovative marketing solutions that drive revenue and ensure brand compliance. With over two decades of experience, deviateMEDIA has partnered with Fortune 500 companies, helping them optimize their channel marketing strategies and elevate their digital presence.

  1. Kindly give us a brief description about yourself.

Answer: I began my career as a software engineer with Unisys Corporation, where I developed enterprise-level software for Fortune 500 companies. In 2001, I founded deviateMEDIA Incorporated, combining my passion for software engineering and creative production. Over the last 23 years, I’ve led deviateMEDIA to become a trusted partner for Channel Marketing Directors, small businesses, and Fortune 500s providing solutions that enhance revenue and maintain brand integrity. My work spans across the latest in AI, software development, digital marketing, lead generation, and multimedia production, with a particular focus on creating innovative, revenue-generating strategies for our clients.

  1. What inspired you to start deviateMEDIA?


  • While working as a software engineer, myThe inspiration to start deviateMEDIA came from my desire to merge my technical expertise with my passion for creative production. I saw an opportunity to fill a gap in the market by providing comprehensive marketing solutions that not only met the technical needs of businesses but also offered creative strategies to engage audiences and drive results. The idea was to create a company that could offer end-to-end marketing services, from web development and search engine optimization to dynamic video content and brand compliance solutions.
  • I had a Jerry Mcguire moment while working as a software engineer. My entire department was treated like numbers and left us with an overwhelming feeling of unfulfillment. I saw an opportunity to fill a gap in the market by providing comprehensive marketing solutions that not only met the technical needs of businesses but also offered creative strategies to engage audiences and drive results. I convinced my team to join forces and service clients in a more fulfilling way that left us feeling more engaged and proud of our work. My boss, two engineers and a creative director joined forces and left our full time job to move into an agency. My boss became our project manager and led our teams while I drummed up new accounts with several large tech companies.
  1. What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?


  1. Stay Adaptable: The business landscape changes rapidly, and success often comes from the ability to pivot and adapt to new trends and challenges.
  2. Build a Strong Network: Building strong, long-term relationships with clients is key to sustaining business success. Understand their needs, deliver exceptional value, and always aim to exceed expectations.
  3. Focus on Value: Always aim to deliver value to your customers. If you prioritize their needs and solve their problems, success will follow.
  1. What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?


  1. Quality: In a world that lacks quality, entrepreneurs can differentiate themselves from the rest by focusing on quality without sacrificing integrity.
  2. Vision: A successful entrepreneur must have a clear vision for their business and the ability to see the bigger picture.
  3. Leadership: Leading a team requires not only managing but also inspiring others to work towards a common goal.
  1. How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?

Answer: I believe in giving ideas a fair chance to succeed. However, if something isn’t working despite our best efforts, I’m not afraid to pivot or abandon the idea. The key is to balance perseverance with the ability to recognize when it’s time to move on.

  1. What motivates you?

Answer: I enjoy seeing things work. When our technology whirls, snaps, and clicks into place flawlessly, delivering a superior service on time and under budget delivers value that keeps me motivated.

  1. How do you generate new ideas?

Answer: New ideas often come from a combination of staying informed about industry trends, brainstorming with the team, and listening to our clients’ needs. Creativity thrives in an environment where collaboration and continuous learning are encouraged.

  1. How do you define success?

Answer: Success is not just about financial gains or accolades; it’s about making a positive impact for our clients and the broader community. This delivers a feeling of excitement and fulfillment. Feeling happy and satisfied about delivering top tier products and services equates to success for me.

  1. If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Answer: I would have embraced the importance of following your bliss earlier in my career. We all excel at doing things we love and focusing exclusively on what I love would provide a more fulfilling career. For me that means engaging the right brain more than the left brain however left brain activities are still very satisfying to me.

  1. What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?

Answer: My greatest fear is stagnation—both personally and professionally. I manage this by constantly challenging myself and the team to think creatively and push boundaries.

  1. What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

Answer: Like many entrepreneurs, I’ve had to sacrifice a lot of personal time and sometimes even financial security to build products and solutions. But the fulfillment that comes from seeing the business thrive makes those sacrifices worthwhile.

  1. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?

Answer: Outside of work, I enjoy traveling to sacred sites, going on excursions and researching with best-selling authors and television personalities. Doing anything creative helps me unwind and recharge like writing a book and creating artwork whether it’s MidJourney and Photoshop or more classic forms like drawing and painting. Other hobbies are team sports and solo sports like skateboarding and snowboarding. But my favorite hobby is diving into the mysteries and hidden realities of this world like using military grade night vision optics like astro-photography. You won’t believe what I’ve seen in the heavens above many of the world’s sacred sites and restricted areas.

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