An Interview with the Owner of Cannacea

by | Dec 13, 2022 | Hemp oil

Mandatory Questions –

• Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your business is all about, in which city you are located and if you have offices in multiple locations/ cities.

◦ Cannacea is a compassionate, science-driven manufacturer of clinical hemp oils, developed through intensive research and testing since 2016. We provide phytocannabinoid-rich hemp supplements with a complete full spectrum and holistic phytonutrient ratios for maximum therapeutic efficacy. Cannacea also provides certified clinical purity, being crafted using 100% Certified Organic ingredients in a cGMP Certified facility, with all batches having a revolutionary scope of ISO lab test certificates. From our headquarters in Laguna Niguel, California, Cannacea coordinates our certified organic partner farms and facilities in the USA and EU to produce our extraordinary hemp therapeutics.

• Kindly give us a brief description about yourself (it should include your brief educational or entrepreneurial background and list some of your major achievements).

◦ Cannacea was founded by our family of scientists, therapists, engineers, musicians, contractors and athletes, after unlocking a wellness revolution for our mother, Tagrid, through CBD-dominant hemp supplementation. We combined our decades of technical and business expertise, including 20+ years of cannabinoid therapy research and development, to create Cannacea’s pioneering hemp supplements.

• What inspired you to (start a new business venture) or (to make significant changes in an existing business)? How did the idea for your business come about?

◦ With the therapeutic success of Cannacea prototypes we formulated for the health of our mother, Tagrid, we knew we were meant to share our pioneering hemp formulations with the World. So we established Cannacea’s revolutionary level of certified constituency, quality, and safety for everyone seeking the immense wellness support that can be harnessed from hemp. Cannacea’s flagship “Tagrid’s 100 Full Spectrum Hemp Oil” is named in honor of our mother’s challenging health journey, now transformed into the benevolent power of Cannacea hemp oils.

• What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?

◦ Fundamentally, to always remember the immense and miraculous scope of Life, far greater than any financial or commercial success, and to remain attuned to that deeper Source of inspiration, letting it inform the entrepreneurial development no less than the superficial business dimensions. Secondly, to enter a field one is most passionate about, since every added drop of love and energy that goes into any project makes a difference. Thirdly, to really excel in all aspects of the business, certainly the product or service one is providing the World, but also its visionary marketing, and a financial balance between profit and effective re-investment, whether into the project or society via philanthropy.

• What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

◦ Diligence, perseverance, and adaptability.

• How many hours do you work a day on average?

◦ Usual range is 6 to 10 hours, depending on the workday’s task loading.

• To what do you most attribute your success?

◦ While countless attributes and forces in and out of personal control play roles in the development of any project, Cannacea’s successful evolution thus far has been through delicate integration of cutting-edge science and technology, sustainable agricultural and manufacturing practices, rigorous activity, and a holistic vision for phytotherapy drawing on ancient Wisdom Traditions.

• How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?

◦ While we only started marketing Cannacea since launching this past year, we are experimenting with a blend of marketing approaches, from targeted physical and digital advertising, to organic social media engagement, to search engine optimization, among several other interesting ways for getting the word out on our special products. Especially with the saturated CBD market, lack of clear public education on quality and safety of hemp therapeutics, and the continued restrictions on paid CBD advertising by main social media platforms in today’s digital age, it has been a real challenge catalyzing significant market growth so far. Yet at the same time, this is deepening our resourcefulness, our creativity, as well as our patience.

• Where did your organizations funding/capital come from and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture?

◦ As an efficient hub of hemp therapeutics R&D and formulation managing a validated network of certified partner farms and production facilities, we were able to privately fund Cannacea’s launch. But as we begin expanding into broader clinical and global markets, we will be opening up our pioneering enterprise to visionary partners and investors.

• What is the best way to achieve long-term success?

◦ Every endeavor or field has its typical essentials for success, alongside the universal basics of good preparation and sustained effort. But in general, the key seems to be effectively navigating each immediate situation along the path we hope shall be a long one! Ultimately as well, within and beyond any project we’re involved in, we are living an evolution of our human selves that is no less important than the external projects we dedicate time and energy to. For it seems that, together, our inner and outer growth form a phenomenal Whole.

• Where you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?

◦ We endeavor that Cannacea shall be one of the most beneficial and trusted phytocannabinoid therapeutics in the World.

• Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?

◦ So many admirable enterprises working on Earth today! If we focus within cannabis therapy, we’d have to say one of our most admired organizations is the Realm of Caring Foundation (“RoC” –, who effectively started the global CBD revolution and continue to steward pioneering cannabis research, education, and civil rights action. Not only did the RoC help our family when we needed private guidance for hemp therapy in 2016, but we now have the pleasure of supporting the RoC in partnership, so we know first-hand their compassion and how dedicated they are to public vitality and emancipation.

Recommended Questions –

• How important have good employees been to your success?

◦ An enterprise is only as good as its staff and partners, who for Cannacea have been fundamental to every success we’ve had so far. Key innovations, opportunities and developments were brought by their dedication and vision, so we feel privileged to work with all our staff and partners.

• How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?

◦ Stick with working to realize a good idea until it manifests, or until a better idea comes up.

• What motivates you?

◦ Life is the primary motivator for us. Evolutionary life, drawing on fathomless wells of inspiration, manifesting through liberated, self-discovering growth.

• What are your ideals?

◦ Our ideals range across many spectra, but our Highest Ideal is for all people to access the sublime Wisdom and Peace intrinsic to our Being.

• How do you generate new ideas?

◦ Unavoidably, Life and its unabating challenges are our main inspiration for new ideas! The family health issue that inspired Cannacea’s revolutionary hemp oils is prime example of this natural phenomenon, captured by the old adage, “necessity is the mother of invention”. However, by taking some time out of every day to just sit with our Being, whether in contemplation or meditation, many innovations and solutions to problems can spontaneously emerge, with as many problems transformed into opportunities.

• How do you define success?

◦ As a manufacturer of clinical hemp oils, outwardly we define success as producing the safest, most effective and enjoyable hemp therapeutics possible. More personally, we define success as having done something as well as possible, ideally also having learned something along the way. For the living process by which events unfold is infinitely more valuable than any fixed idealized result or metric.

• How do you build a successful customer base?

◦ While we are still in the early stages learning how to best connect with the customers and health practitioners interested in Cannacea’s exceptional hemp supplements, it is certain one needs innovation, experimentation, and patience to achieve this, especially in the beginning!

• What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

◦ The invigorating chemistry between the dimensions of modern human being, richly activated at the frontlines of our compassionate science-driven business, and the deeper, more timeless dimensions of Being itself.

• What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

◦ Witnessing and experiencing Cannacea’s first finished products, fruiting our years of efforts and sacrifices, while feeling deep sympathy and hope for the wellness of our future customers.

• What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

◦ While one can work for others and still be highly motivated and engaged, an entrepreneurial project is usually more personal in terms of vision and of deeply investing individual resources. This tends to potentiate the entire experience, as well as the life lessons gained from it.

• What kind of culture exists in your organization? How did you establish this tone and why did you institute this particular type of culture?

◦ A culture of awareness, reverence, care, and excellence on all levels is at heart of Cannacea. This was the ethos out of which Cannacea was born, as a compassionate transmission of the grace Nature bestowed upon our family’s wellness journey through hemp, which immense grace we could only harness for the World by pioneering the industry’s highest quality standards.

• In one word, characterize your life as an entrepreneur.

◦ Expedition!

Optional Questions –

• What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?

◦ We can have so many fears – of misfortune, injury, illness, or death – for ourselves or for others. Yet the ceaseless evolutionary drive of Life reminds us how all events survived are opportunities to grow, to develop, and to transcend fear itself. Remaining open to the fact anything can happen, while finding our “anchor” in the perennial Ground of Being, has been our most inspiring way to manage fear.

• How can you prevent mistakes or do damage control?

◦ Life quickly teaches that we cannot control very much at all! However, using our awareness, with diligence to learn as much as possible about one’s chosen endeavor, and endurance to apply those best practices as completely as possible, will minimize the chances of errors cropping in. When things don’t go according to plan, applying an open heart and mind to the situation will allow us to manage unexpected events as well as possible. Whether we label them as successes or mistakes, learning from each event is as important as the event itself.

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