An Interview with John – Extreme Game Truck

by | Aug 3, 2023 | Physical Therapy Clinic

Executive Summary

1. Mission
a. Bloom Performance and Rehab serves, optimizes treatments, and invests in our clients in the most innovative and creative ways and being the salt and light to hurting and injured people through body transformation and restoration

2. Company and Management
a. Bloom Performance and Rehab is headquartered and incorporated in Mesa, AZ in 2017. The company is owned by Doctor of Physical Therapy Eric Bloom with an extensive background in orthopedic and sports rehab as well as pain and neuroscience. His staff includes Master’s of Athletic Training Chad Bohls, with over 15+ years’ work in the sports and orthopedic rehab world, highly trained Doctor of Physical Therapy providers Tanner Conover and Jessica Wujek, and practice manager Liz Williams, who has extensive work in both smaller, clinical settings as well as larger, hospital corporations.

3. Services
a. Our clients range from student-athletes to active adults who have sustained injuries that require orthopedic and sports rehabilitation. Many clients have had surgery or are trying to prevent surgery and are trying to get back to and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Services include:
i. Manual therapy
ii. Dry needling
iii. Spinal manipulation
v. Blood flow restriction
vi. Compression therapy
1. Game ready
2. Rapid reboot
vii. Diagnostic ultrasound
viii. Personal/group training

4. The Market
a. Physical therapy in general can be a commodity if not choosing the right location. Clients as a whole are looking for more private, smaller, family-oriented clinics compared to the large, corporate facilities. Physical therapy services as a whole are continuing to grow, as there is a shortage of providers for the patient’s demands and needs.

5. Competitive advantage
a. At Bloom Performance and Rehab, we work in collaboration as providers and as a group to maximize patient outcomes. We are family owned and operated where patients come before profit. We pride ourselves on our company culture which is based on our core values: People Over Profit, Servant Leadership, Personal Accountability, Value of People Equally and Treat Them Equitably, Respectful and Humble Collaboration, All In

Kindly give readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your business is all about, in which city you are located, and if you have offices in multiple locations/ cities.

Bloom Performance and Rehab is locally owned by a native physical therapist
Eric Bloom. Our focus is providing value for our patients that is specifically
targeted to their needs and wants. Our goal is to support you before you even
becoming a patient and well beyond discharge. Our providers are Board Certified
in Orthopedics or in the process of completing their board specialties, with
special training in pain science and neuroscience to help treat a variety of
conditions. Our mission is to preserve the public choice of high-quality, easily
accessible and cost-effective physical therapy services, and sports performance.
Bloom Performance and Rehab is committed to our patients achieving their
health and wellness goals. Providing therapy is not just a job to us it is our
profession, our career, and our passion. We have 1 clinic and are located in Mesa, AZ.

Give us a brief description of yourself (it should include your brief educational or entrepreneurial background and list some of your major achievements).

I grew up in Phoenix, AZ, and was involved in many sports but mostly basketball. I went to San Jose State University to play basketball and received a BS in Kinesiology before going on to earn my Doctor in Physical Therapy from Duke University. I did my Orthopedic Residency at Mercer University, and went from staff PT to clinic director, to an owner of a smaller PT company before leaving and starting my own company in 2017. On behalf of Global Health and Pharma, in 2021 for the Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Awards, we were awarded the Best Physical Therapy and Personal Training Clinic in the Phoenix Metro Area. We were awarded the 2022 Health 2.0 Outstanding Leadership Award and Best Companies Award.

What inspired you to (start a new business venture) or (make significant changes in an existing business)?

There are no two people the same. Therefore, injuries can be different even though they may affect the same body part. Unfortunately, a lot of companies treat clients very similarly and my goal was to provide an environment where both employees and patients want to come to.

How did the idea for your business come about?

I wanted to provide a different environment that I was exposed to both as a student and a provider early in my career and what I saw as a whole with our profession. My main goal was to provide a great working environment where people love to work out, which would directly influence the type of care they would give to their patients.

Who has been your greatest inspiration?

My family as a whole, as both of my parents were educators and my brother is a police officer. I got to see hard work, and unfortunately, jobs that often were thankless for those they served but their dedication to being great never stopped.

What makes you different from other businesses in your industry?

No one in our company is more or less valuable than anyone else…including me the owner. We each have different roles that bring something different to the team. Collaboration and humility are something we strive for and always trying to grow and be better each day.

To what do you most attribute your success?

God’s grace and blessings, supportive family and friends, and amazing patients who are extremely loyal and willing to tell others about us

What do you think is the best way to achieve long-term success in business?

Don’t compromise your mission, vision, and values, and understand that shiny things always present themselves but can get you off track.

Where do you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?

Larger main location with more services and opportunities and a second location. As for myself, mentoring, growing the company, and providing what my staff needs to continue to make them successful while no longer seeing patients.

Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?

Chick-fil-a…they don’t compromise its values, is open less than any other fast food chain, and is more successful than all other chains. You also get the same service and quality product regardless of what location you go to.

Who is your target demographic?

Student-athletes to active/athletic adults whose focus is to maintain their quality of health throughout their lifespan.

Please list 3-5 talking points about your business that you feel are most relevant to your target audience.

Combination of athletic trainers and PTs who have sports backgrounds as athletes themselves and as providers. Focus on more than just their current rehab program but on how to work on presentation and maintenance. 4-phase recovery program: 1. Pain 2. Prime 3. Perform 4. Prevent

What are your overall thoughts on your industry? Any advice you could give people about your industry?

It is becoming a commodity at times, but you need to find your clientele and focus on what you do best as a provider and a company. Find the provider or company that best fits you and not what someone else said or thinks they are all the same.

Is your business involved with any charitable organizations, social causes, or non-profit work?

Not as of now.

How do you give back and support your community?

Every Christmas season, we raise funds from our local community and support 3 families who have been through rough or tragic events to help them have a great Christmas.

How important have good employees been to your success?

I would have no business and no success had it not been for great employees. Challenging employees or employees that were not a great fit caused negative issues in the business, so valuing great employees is enormous.

What motivates you?

Fulfilling my purpose of creating, inventing, and serving my staff and patients to maximize their success. Seeing other people be successful in what we do motivates me to continue to do more.

How do you generate new ideas?

Reading a variety of books, watching video lessons, talking with those who have been successful in their fields, and learning how they made it.

How do you define success?

Waking up every day going to a career I love, seeing people be successful from what we did. Changing people’s lives in ways we didn’t know possible. Also needs to be financially sustainable.

How do you build a successful customer base?

Be honest, truthful, and consistent with your message and product. Show them how much you care about them as a person and not just them as a client.

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Always having to learn, grow and come up with new ideas and products in an ever-changing world. Not having to listen to a corporate office or someone who runs a business but doesn’t have the same values and mission as I do.

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

Surfing during Covid and keeping my staff, even though the business took a significant loss. We all came together for each other and go through it. We have had some rough times, but my staff has helped us get through it.

What kind of culture exists in your organization? How did you establish this tone and why did you institute this particular type of culture?

Culture is created by getting people to know our mission, vision, and beliefs, and that each of us works and fights for each other. You have to hire people that believe and trust in this culture and always show your appreciation and how much you value those who make it up.

If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Possibly look at having a partner who values what I do but adds things to the business that I am not good at. Get more mentorship in business before opening.

What is your greatest fear in business, and how do you manage fear?

Initially, losing the company to poor management or things I couldn’t control. In 6+ years, I’ve encountered Covid and a landlord who was involved in legal wrongdoings. Now my greatest fear is not living up to my potential and having my amazing staff take a different job.

How did you decide on the location for your business?

Close to where I had originally started and had the opportunity to buy space that was bigger so I could own my space and business.

If you could talk to one person from history, who would it be and why?

Jesus Christ – the reason I’m alive and what I live for!

What book has inspired you the most (or what is your favorite book)?

Bible hands down

What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?

Taking less salary at times during the rough season to keep my staff. Time away from family or late nights to work on the business.

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

Determination, resilience, patience.

What three pieces of advice would you give to entrepreneurs looking to get started in your industry?

Know who you want to serve, be mentored by someone who’s done what you want to do, and don’t be like everyone else in your field – they usually do it wrong.

Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?

It’s being consistent, steady, and having a great team. You can’t do it all on your own.

What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

Willingness to take risks, have an inventive side, want more than the clock in/clock out status quo, problem solvers not whiners.

Business Name

Bloom Performance and Rehab

Contact Name

Eric Bloom

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