Sitting Down With The Owner Of Chimney Guys USA

by | Jan 13, 2023 | Business

Question: Please give our readers an introduction to your business.

Answer: Chimney Guys USA provides residential customers with emergency and routine chimney services and performs accurate inspections and thorough cleanings. Our cleaning methods are family & pet-safe, and our client’s satisfaction is our number one priority.

Question: Please provide a brief description of yourself.

Answer: I grew up on the East Coast of New York. At age 22 I started my first job in the fire department. Later, I moved to the West Coast and Northern California. Where I met my wife and got settled.

Question: What inspired you to start this business or get into this industry? How did the idea for your business come about?

Answer: I like the green of the world and am really concerned about global warming. The reason I started a chimney sweep and service business is that I wanted to save the environment from all the soot that gets spewed out from improperly maintained fireplaces and chimneys and let the world live its natural cycle.

I used to work in the fire department and saw that lots of fire hazards were coming from the fireplace and chimney. I want to make sure all families be safe and sound with their chimney use.

Question: What advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs/business owners?

Answer: No matter what you do always be consistent in what you do. That is the key to success.

Question: What would you say is a top skill needed to be successful as a business owner in the chimney sweep industry?

Answer: Rock climbing (you have to get up to the roof to work on the chimneys!)

Question: How many hours do you work a day on average?

Answer: 50 hours

Question: To what do you most attribute your success?

Answer: Divine Providence

Question:Where do you see your business in 5 – 10 years?

Answer: Our goal is to make all Chimneys in Sacramento and the areas in Northern California a lot safer and give 100% satisfaction service to customers.

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