Remembering those childhood days shall always light up a person’s face. Those times when we would dance in the rains, build sand castles, dress our dolls up and the only tension would revolve around ‘will it or will it not rain today’. These are the playful days that Alina Grewal wants to go back to with her My Pink Planet company where she designs trendy clothes for dolls. The joy of dressing up one’s doll and holding her as a proud trophy needs to be seen to believe and with her My Pink Planet organization, Ms. Grewal hopes that many more girls get creative and enjoy their ‘doll-time’ than waste time in front of video games and the TV.
Alina Grewal speaks to us at about her inspiration and her ideals that make her firmly believe in her work.
- Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business.
- Our business is a ‘mother-and-daughter’ run business located in Hardwick and operated with a strong passion that we share for American dolls and their 18” doll clothes. My daughter, Arianna, is an incredible, creative, storyteller and she loves to create stories and learning about her American girl dolls. I love seeing Arianna, her cousin and friends, play with their dolls and dress them up instead of playing video games and watching excessive television. The innocence that these dolls have imparted to my daughter and many others girls has inspired me to go forward with My Pink Planet. In today’s world I find that to be a treasure. My main aim looks towards making young girls fall in love with their dolls and use their creative imagination.
- Kindly give us a brief description about yourself .
- Majored in art and worked in the garment industry for 15 years until I opened a gift shop of collectibles and unique art gifts, many items handcrafted from artisans nationwide. When I learned of my pregnancy I closed the store to become a full-time mother. It was while I was raising my daughter that I freelanced as a children clothing designer and in 2006 I founded My Pink Planet.
- What three pieces of advice you would give to college students who want to become entrepreneurs?
- Follow your dreams, follow your passion and never be afraid to fail, but learn from past experiences and mistakes too.
- How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
- It gave me flexibility. Rather than working for someone, being away from home and paying for a babysitter it gave me the opportunity to spend time with my whole family. It was me who raised my daughter and not the babysitter.
- How do you generate new ideas?
- My daughter and her friends that I get some of the best ideas. Also, researching the industry, receiving feedback from customers and when my head hits the pillow at night.
- What are your ideals?
- I believe in honesty with my customers and making sure they are happy.
- How do you build a successful customer base?
- I build a successful customer base through a User friendly website, word of mouth, my blog, great clothes, quality, affordable prices, friends, and networking on the internet.
- Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?
- Do your research, find your product, and follow your dreams. There is no silver bullet; just keep the focus and don’t let your competition out-smart you.
- What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
- Independence; working with my family and when I want to and using my creativity.
- Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?
- Apple Inc. as they are VERY successful in everything they do. They teach their employees that the customers are always right and the same goes for me. Also Jet Blue Airlines since they advertise very well and cater well to their customers.
- Where you see yourself and your business in 10 years? 20 years?
- Being profitable and to continue putting smiles on little girl’s faces. Perhaps one day, my daughter shall run the business.
- Who has been your greatest inspiration?
- My mom and my darling daughter.