Disrupting the Digital Landscape: The Vision Behind The Disruptive Guys

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Advertising & Marketing Agency

Q1 Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your

business is all about, in which city you are located, and if you have offices in multiple


Answer: My company, The Disruptive Guys, is a digital marketing and web development agency based in Flower Mound, Texas. We specialize in website design, development, SEO, branding, and online advertising campaigns tailored for local businesses. Our goal is to help small to mid-sized businesses enhance their digital presence, attract more customers, and ultimately grow their revenue. While we’re rooted in Flower Mound, our digital services allow us to work with clients across different cities and states, offering them personalized strategies that align

with their unique goals.

Q2 Kindly give us a brief description about yourself (it should include your brief educational or entrepreneurial background and list some of your major achievements).

Answer: I’m a 36-year-old entrepreneur from Dallas, Texas, with a passion for digital marketing and web design. My journey into entrepreneurship was fueled by my early experiences in the digital space, where I recognized the potential of online marketing to help businesses thrive.After overcoming personal challenges, including addiction, I found a renewed focus and commitment to building a company that could provide exceptional digital services to local businesses. My major achievements include launching The Disruptive Guys and helping various clients across different industries achieve significant online growth. I’ve also been sober since August 8, 2023, which has been a turning point for both my personal life and my business.

Q3 What inspired you to (start a new business venture) or (to make significant changes in an

existing business)? How did the idea for your business come about?

Answer: The inspiration came from my personal journey of growth and transformation. After over coming a difficult past with substance abuse, I wanted to create something meaningful that not only reflected my skills but also allowed me to give back to the community. I saw a gap in the market where many local businesses struggled to establish a solid online presence. The idea for The Disruptive Guys was born out of a desire to provide affordable,effective digital solutions that could truly make a difference for these businesses.

Q4 What three pieces of advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?


  • Consistency is Key: Stay consistent in your efforts, even when progress

seems slow. Building a successful business takes time.

  • Be Adaptable: The business landscape is always changing. Be open to

pivoting your strategies to stay relevant.

  • Build Genuine Relationships: Whether with clients, partners, or your team,

fostering trust and transparency is crucial for long-term success.

Q5 What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?


  • Resilience: Running a business comes with its challenges. Being able to

bounce back and learn from failures is crucial.

  • Communication: Clear and effective communication helps in building

relationships with clients, partners, and your team.

  • Strategic Thinking: Understanding how to align your business goals with the

market demand can set you apart in a crowded space.

Q6 How many hours do you work a day on average?


On average, I work around 10-12 hours a day. As an entrepreneur, the work doesn’t always stop at traditional hours. However, I’m learning to find a balance to ensure I’m taking care of both my business and personal life.

Q7 To what do you most attribute your success?


My success is largely attributed to my commitment to growth, both personally and

professionally. Overcoming my past struggles taught me the value of persistence,

self-discipline, and faith. I also owe much of my success to the support of my clients and

loved ones, who continue to believe in my vision.

Q8 How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?


We use a multi-channel marketing strategy that includes SEO, social media advertising, and cold email outreach. The most successful form of marketing has been our local SEO

campaigns, which help us connect with businesses in our community who are looking for

digital solutions. Word-of-mouth referrals have also played a significant role in our growth.

Q9 Where did your organization’s funding/capital come from, and how did you go about getting it? How did you obtain investors for your venture?


The business was self-funded through savings and reinvesting profits from our early

projects. I didn’t pursue external investors, as I wanted to maintain full control of the

company and the direction it was headed. It required careful budgeting and a lean operational model, but it allowed us to grow organically.

Q10 What is the best way to achieve long-term success?


Long-term success comes from providing consistent value and adapting to market changes. It’s important to stay client-focused and keep improving your services. Building a loyal

customer base by delivering results and maintaining transparency is key to sustaining a

business over time.

Q11 Where do you see yourself and your business in 5 – 10 years?


In 5-10 years, I see The Disruptive Guys as a leading digital marketing agency, recognized for helping local businesses transform their online presence. I envision expanding our service offerings, possibly incorporating more advanced digital solutions like AI-driven marketing and data analytics to serve a broader range of clients. Personally, I hope to continue growing as a leader, mentor, and entrepreneur.

Q12 Excluding yours, what company or business do you admire the most?


I admire Lemlist. Their innovative approach to email outreach and personalization sets them apart in the marketing industry. They empower businesses, both large and small, to create meaningful connections with prospects through tailored, engaging campaigns. I appreciate how Lemlist emphasizes creativity and authenticity in outreach, which aligns with my own values in building genuine relationships with clients. Their dedication to helping businesses succeed through strategic communication is something I strive to mirror in my own work.

Q13 How important have good employees been to your success?


Good employees are crucial to any business’s success. They bring fresh ideas, drive projects forward, and are the face of the company in many client interactions. Having a reliable team allows me to delegate tasks confidently, focus on strategic growth, and ensure our clients receive the best service possible.

Q14 How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?


I give each idea ample time to show results. Typically, I set specific milestones to measure

progress and reassess periodically. If an idea isn’t meeting expectations, I’ll pivot and adapt, but I rarely “give up” on the core of an idea unless it’s clear it isn’t aligned with my overall goals.

Q15 What motivates you?


I’m motivated by the desire to build something meaningful, both for my clients and myself.

Watching a client’s business grow because of the work we’ve done together is incredibly

rewarding. My personal journey of overcoming challenges also fuels my drive to continually improve and inspire others.

Q16 What are your ideals?


Integrity, consistency, and growth are my core ideals. I believe in being honest and

transparent with my clients, maintaining a consistent effort even when results take time, and always seeking ways to learn and improve.

Q17 How do you generate new ideas?


I draw inspiration from various sources: industry trends, client feedback, competitor

analysis, and my personal experiences. I also take time to step away from the daily grind,

whether it’s through reading, traveling, or engaging in hobbies. This mental space often leads to fresh perspectives and new ideas.

Q18 How do you define success?


Success is about making a positive impact, both personally and professionally. It’s not just

measured by financial gain but also by the growth of my clients’ businesses, the

relationships I build, and my ongoing commitment to self-improvement and integrity.

Q19 How do you build a successful customer base?


Building a successful customer base comes from understanding client needs and delivering consistent, high-quality results. Trust and transparency are key. I focus on building genuine relationships, providing personalized solutions, and always keeping my clients informed about progress and strategies.

Q20 What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?


The freedom to create and bring my vision to life is my favorite aspect of being an

entrepreneur. It allows me to solve problems creatively, take risks, and directly see the impact of my work on my clients’ success.

Q21 What has been your most satisfying moment in business?


The most satisfying moments are when clients share how our work has positively impacted

their business. Whether it’s increased revenue, more customer engagement, or simply a

newfound confidence in their digital presence, knowing that we’ve made a difference is

incredibly fulfilling.

Q22 What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for

someone else?


Entrepreneurs embrace risk and uncertainty as a part of their journey. They have the freedom to shape their own paths but also carry the responsibility for their business’s success or failure. Working for someone else often provides more stability but less control over direction and outcomes.

Q23 What kind of culture exists in your organization? How did you establish this tone, and

why did you institute this particular type of culture?


Our culture is one of collaboration, creativity, and continuous learning. I established this tone by encouraging open communication, valuing every team member’s input, and promoting a mindset of growth. It’s important because a supportive and innovative environment allows us to deliver the best results for our clients.

Q24 In one word, characterize your life as an entrepreneur.



Q25 If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?


I would have sought out mentors earlier in my journey. Their guidance and experience would have helped me avoid some of the early pitfalls and accelerated my learning curve.

Q26 How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?


Being an entrepreneur has its challenges, especially in balancing work and family. It requires long hours and focus, but I’ve learned to carve out time for the people who matter most. It’s a continuous effort to maintain that balance, but it’s essential.

Q27 What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?


My greatest fear is becoming stagnant or complacent. I manage this fear by staying curious,setting new goals, and consistently pushing beyond my comfort zone to keep growing personally and professionally.

Q28 How did you decide on the location for your business?


Flower Mound, Texas, is not just where I’m based; but I grew up here and it’s a thriving

community with many local businesses needing digital services. It made sense to start my

company in an area where I could provide tailored, impactful solutions and grow alongside

my clients.

Q29 Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?


There’s no one-size-fits-all formula, but certain patterns like perseverance, adaptability, and consistent effort are common among successful entrepreneurs. It’s about continuously

learning, embracing failure as a stepping stone, and building genuine relationships.

Q30 If you could talk to one person from history, who would it be and why?


I would talk to Steve Jobs. His approach to innovation, design, and branding was

revolutionary. I’d love to understand his thought process and how he navigated both

successes and failures.

Q31 Who has been your greatest inspiration?


My greatest inspiration has been my journey through overcoming addiction. It showed me the power of resilience and the importance of living with purpose, which drives me in my

business today.

Q32 What book has inspired you the most? (OR what is your favorite book?)


“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill has been a huge inspiration. It delves into the power of mindset, goal-setting, and persistence, which aligns with my own journey in building a company and overcoming personal challenges.

Q33 What are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve made?


One of the biggest mistakes was trying to do everything myself in the early stages. It took

time to realize that delegating and trusting others are crucial for growth and scalability.

Q34 How can you prevent mistakes or do damage control?


I prevent mistakes by planning, setting clear goals, and continuously learning. When

mistakes do happen, I address them immediately, communicate transparently with clients,

and use the experience to refine our processes.

Q35 What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?


I enjoy singing, playing guitar, and spending time with my new Mini Labradoodle. I also love shooting guns, hunting, off-roading my Jeep, exploring Dallas, and spending quality time with my loved ones.

Q34 What makes you happy?


Seeing the positive impact of my work on others, spending time with those I love, and

personal growth bring me the most happiness.

Q35 What sacrifices have you had to make to be a successful entrepreneur?


I’ve had to sacrifice a lot of personal time, social activities, and even financial stability in the early stages. However, these sacrifices have been necessary to build a business I’m proud of today.

Q36 If you were conducting this interview, what question would you ask?


I would ask: “What drives you to keep pushing forward during tough times?” Understanding this can reveal a lot about an entrepreneur’s mindset and motivation.

Visit us : https://thedisruptiveguys.com/

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